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Hearing CW sending sidetone when using RM Noise

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:08 pm
by Vk6bek
When using RM Noise connected via the USB port to my IC-7300 I have the rig volume turned completely down to hear the processed audio correctly. This means when I start sending CW I cannot hear the rig sidetone and have to wing it without the tone.

It is possible to configure the IC-7300 to send the sidetone via the USB port. The audio then goes to the PC and RM Noise where it is returned after the usual processing delay. This definitely causes problems because when you hit the key you don’t hear the audio for maybe 400ms and things get confusing fast.

Does anyone have a working solution to this?

Shaun - VK6BEK

Re: Hearing CW sending sidetone when using RM Noise

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:04 pm
Keep the rig volume turned up but close the squelch (AF/RF knob fully clockwise).

de Kasey KD2YMM

Re: Hearing CW sending sidetone when using RM Noise

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:26 am
by Vk6bek
Thanks Kasey, worked just fine.

Shaun - VK6BEK

Re: Hearing CW sending sidetone when using RM Noise

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:30 am
by VE7CY
You could also simplify things by using pin 12 of the ACC socket on the 7300 for audio output and stay away form using the USB port for audio.
See my posting today in User Support.
73 de Ray VE7CY

Re: Hearing CW sending sidetone when using RM Noise

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:57 pm
by VE7CY
One thing I forgot to mention in my previous reply above.
I do not use the USB port for audio as I said.
I use pin 12 of the ACC socket for audio.
If you want to hear CW side tone to prevent the latency confusion then make sure you have this menu item ON.
It says "ACC/USB AF Beep" so if that works for me on pin 12 of the ACC, then it should also work on the USB output.
Good luck.
73 de VE7CY

Re: SOLUTION - Hearing CW sidetone with ZERO latency.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:28 am
by VE7CY
My ongoing experimenting with this new (to me) app......I am having fun....lots of fun.
Yes, I have come up with a solution to the CW sidetone issue considering the system latency.
Obviously it is impossible to operate CW with a sidetone that arrives around 250 milliseconds later....its a non-starter.
As I said in other postings, I use a Behrenger 802 mixer as part of my audio setup for a functional system for mainly CW but also SSB.
The basis of my solution involves the removal (muting) of filtered audio on CW during transmit.
As soon as I touch my paddle, sidetone is monitored directly from pin 12 of the ACC socket (unfiltered audio) on my 7300 as is the RX audio which goes to the PC audio input.
Pin 12 supplies fixed, line level audio output that is independent of the front panel volume control but can be preset in the 7300 menu.
I automatically kill the audio output from the PC for the duration of the TX cycle.
A soon as my PTT is released, either by my foot switch or break-in, the filtered audio returns.
The mock up works so I will now tidy things up and then prepare a sketch of my setup with a written description.
Its very possible others might want to emulate what I have done in my 3 weeks with RM Noise.
It all revolves around the use of the mixer which allows me to hear as much of the unfiltered audio as I need to tune in the SSB station properly and then continue with filtered audio.
This ability is an essential component of using this system.
Clicking on BYPASS or hitting the letter "b" on the keyboard does NOT do the job when operating CW at 25wpm.
The raw unfiltered audio is 20db plus lower than the filtered audio and I can remove the raw audio as soon as I have tuned in the SSB station correctly.
Sounds complicated but its really very simple.
Stay tuned.
73 de VE7CY

Re: Hearing CW sending sidetone when using RM Noise

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 5:29 am
by VE7CY
See my posting in USER SUPPORT
CW sidetone is now live with no latency